Sunday, November 7, 2010

my dream workspace...






When I was younger, I could never quite figure out what I wanted to be when I "grew up." Did I want to be a lawyer? The CEO of a major corporation (chalk this one up to an adolescence spent watching too much Days of Our Lives)? A fashion designer? I wanted to be all these things plus a million others... case in point: my very random resume.

One thing I never faltered on, however, was the environment in which I wanted to work. I always pictured myself dashing off in the morning, latte in perfectly manicured hand, heading toward a beautifully decorated office. I pictured myself surrounded by lovely furniture, fresh flowers, inspiring art, and coworkers that I loved. So when I saw this guest post by Gary Pepper Vintage's Nicole on Here Comes the Sun, it was like looking at an incarnation of my dream work environment. If this is where I was expected to spend 8 hours of my day, I doubt I would ever want to leave...

What's your dream work environment?

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