Monday, November 22, 2010

Review: Coconut Body Butter From The Body Shop

I have to start by saying that i love The Body Shop. They always have so many amazing products in their store and their store always smell so yummy, dont want to leave haha!

I have been using this product for months now and im totally in love with it.
Coconut smell is one of my favorite smells, its just so delicious. I wear this product almost everyday.

The Body Shop has different sizes on their products, which is really good.
This is in a small size. I like to finish the products before i buy a new ones, sometimes i stock up on the products that i really love. I hardly get the full size products from The Body Shop, because there is so much product in them. Dont want anything to go to waste haha!

This is perfect to add to your handbag or if you are traveling.
I always like to smell good, so this is a must have in my handbag.

Would i recommend this product to you?
Yes absolutely! You have to try this out the next time you are visiting The Body Shop.
If you love Coconut, this is a must have for you.

Would i buy this product again?
Oh Yes! I will keep buying this product.

Im on the hunt for a Vanilla Body Butter, going to order from The Body Shop since they
just got a website up and running, yay :)

Have you tried this product before?
Do you like The Body Shop? :)
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