Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Elf Cosmetics Giveaway: And The Winner Is......

Its time to pick a winner for my Elf Cosmetics giveaway :)

I want to start of by saying thank you so much to all my new followers that wanted to
be a part of this giveaway. Its so much fun to do giveaways and i have a few more, so if you didn't win this time, there is still hope :)

The Prize:

Nail Polish In Party Purple, Glitter Glam & Metal Madness
Party Eyeshadow Palette
Mist Spray

And the lucky winner of these goodies by Elf Cosmetics is..... Siwing
Congrats sweetie, please email me your name and adress and i will send you your goodies :)

The next giveaway im having is a MAC Cosmetic giveaway, i have already picked out the prizes and i really think you will like it :)
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