Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sexy Shoes By Paris Hilton

A girl cant have enought shoes right? :)

I have a lot of shoes on my wishlist, and i really wanted to show you these sexy shoes by Paris Hilton. Been wanting these for a very long time now, just think they are fabulous and so sexy.

I love her shoe line. It consists of so many gorgeous, sexy and cute shoes, its almost impossible
to pick a favorite.

A while ago i bought a pair of black boots from her line and i absolutely love them.
They are so confortable to walk in, and they look super sexy and cute at the same time.
I love that the sole on the shoes are pink, such a cute detail.

The bad thing is that i had to buy them on ebay since the website dont ship to Norway.
I had to pay twice as much because its so expensive to ship to Norway.
So I really hope that one day they will start shipping to Norway, so i can get my hands on these gorgeous babies.

I will show you the boots in another blog post, and i can feature them in an outfit of the day post if you would like to see them better.

Whats on your wishlist?
What do you think about the shoes? :)
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