Friday, October 29, 2010

Today's Outfit: Black & Blue

Finally home, been doing a little grocery shopping, Going to make something good to eat tonight and watch a movie or two. Love to relax and watch movies, so much fun :)

Today I decided to wear my blue sweather from H&M since its very warm.
Need to buy more clothes for the winter time, it gets so cold here when its winter.
Im looking forward to taking cute outfit pictures in the snow, i love the snow :)

Leather Jacket: Cubus
Blue Sweather: H&M
Tights: Forever 21
Shoes: H&M
Belt: Forever 21

Have been doing a little internet shopping today, i cant help it haha.
Bought some really adorable cases for my iphone ($1 per case) cant wait to start using them. I love things that are cute and pink :P

I also placed an order at elf and forever 21. Cant wait until i get the things i ordered.
Elf has free shipping again, love that website.

My boyfriend and I had our 3 years anniversary the 24th. He got me two amazing presents, will try and post pictures tonight. One of the items has been on my wishlist for years!

What have you been doing today?
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