Friday, October 22, 2010

Elf Cosmetics: Nail Polishes

Woohoo, im finally done taking pictures of the nail polishes from elf cosmetics.
It took a while since i had to wait for the nail polish to dry, apply another coat, take picture and then wipe it of and start on a new color.

But i finally have pictures to show you guys, let me know what you think and leave me a comment if you have any questions about the products or requests :)


Smoky Brown

Mod Mauve



Red Velvet

Berry Pink

Passion Pink



Mint Cream



Dark Navy

This is just a matte finisher clear nail polish.

These are all the nail polishes that i ordered from Elf. I also have a few others that i ordered a very long time ago, so my nail polish collection is getting pretty huge now. Love collecting nail polishes and makeup, im a total addict haha.

I have already made up my mind which of these colors that are my favorite.
Love Smoky Brown, Blush, Red Velvet and Berry Pink. I also love gum pink and royal purple which are two of the colors i bought a while ago.

What is your favorite nail polish color?
Do you have any favorite brands? :)
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