Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yesterday's Shopping

Yesterday i went shopping with my mom, had a fun time with her.
I bought a few goodies that i want to show you.

Here is what i got:

This is such a pretty nail polish color, cant wait to try it out. Its by IsaDora and its called baby blue.

This consealer by H&M is something I always have with me in my handbag. The size on this concealer is perfect. I really like this product alot. The last one i got is empty, so i had to get a new one.

I also got this gorgeous underwear, i LOVE it. The army green color is one of my favorite colors, its such a stunning color.

This sweather i picked up at a store called Cubus. The Marine blue color is such a hot color, marine blue and army green is my favorite colors at the moment.

That is what i bought yesterday, im really happy about everything :)

Have you been shopping lately?
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