Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cause I LOVE green!

Yeap! I know I haven't been able to write in a long time. I have been very busy with my job as a media planner and everything's been very tough since I have to study and work at the same time (not a piece of cake for sure). However, I just wanted to brag about my latest acquisition online. I just discovered a great shop "REMERITAS", a mexican e-store that has marvelous and very artistic pieces at very reasonable prices. I just fell in love with this beautiful green skirt, and I have a biiiig wishlist that I have to cover soon!
With this amazing purchase I got some gifts: amazing and bizarre stickers, and a fabulous Mag call ERRR MAGAZINE, which by the way is AMAZING!
Hope you can visit the store really really soon, you will find incredible clothes and unique indie style!

www. remeritas.com

♥Vitamin Fashion♥

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