Saturday, August 21, 2010

Look What I Got In The Mail Today :)

Today i got a package in the mail from my friend Silje.
She bough me a few things when she was on vacation in Turkey. She is so kind, if you are reading this Silje, thank you so much again for this :)

Here are the things I got:

Got these cool accessories. The necklace is cute, look at the design, pretty :)
Loved the earrings, the star earrings is my favorite.

YAY, i also got the first season of Gossip Girl. I love this show, one of my favorites :)

Thought i would show you what i got from her. Going to the park later, its a music festival going on there, so its going to be fun. Went yesterday too, today is the last day. :)

Wish you all a fabulous and happy day :)
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