Monday, January 18, 2010

List Mondays- Top 10 Fashion Blogs

I am currently off school revising for my 13 mocks and 1 real GCSE exams over the next week (wish me luck!) so excuse this quick and easy List Monday post on my top 10 blogs.

Obviously I have loads of favourites but these are the big must read ones of mine which I try to check out daily and were the ones that inspired me to start blogging in the first place.
You have probably heard of all of them (I think of them as the big shots in the fashion blogging world haha)

Needless to say they are extremely popular and unique fashion blogs:

1. The Sartorialist
2. The Cherry Blossom Girl
3. Stockholm Street Style
4. Sea of Shoes
5. Le Blog De Betty
6. Style Rookie
7. Garance Dore 8. Jak and Jil 9. Igor and Andre
10. Karlas Closet

I will probably come back to this and add a bit of information about why they are my favourite but I have to get back to some physics revision so ta ta for now.

Beth Ruby xoxo
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