Thursday, January 21, 2010

Adorable photos of cute kids in pretty clothes

Basically an image dump (as promised in my post with the photos of the kids in Burberry trench coats here) of photos of fashionable children too coo over.
I am in series need of cheering up.
I am home alone, ill and I need to revise for my mocks even though all I want to do is curl up in bed and watch another episode of Glee.
Anyhoo these cuties make me smile :)
Shot by The Sartorialist. And the one above is his daughter Claudia who you have to admit has an awesome pose going on.
Phillip Lims collection for children. I would have an even bigger smile than that girl if I was only 4 and still wearing designer clothes though.
Stella McCartney's kids collection for Gap. I love this ad campaign.
I saw these photos and seriously considered if I could fit into that little pink tutu the girl in the picture above is wearing.
Anyway hope you are all having a better Thursday than me, don't forget its Friday tomorrow!
Beth Ruby xoxo
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