Friday, February 5, 2010

oh my God, it's finally happening!

I just received the greatest news this morning whilst checking my emails... are you ready for it? Brace yourselves people, it's big... Club Monaco crest sweatshirts are back!!! I'm so ridiculously happy! These were a childhood staple for me, as I pretty much refused to wear anything else and insisted on collecting as many colours as my parents would allow me to... But then adolescence leered its ugly head, prompting me to foolishly donate my beloved sweatshirts in an attempt to break free from childhood associations... what a chump! I've regretted that decision for most of my adult life, let me tell you... In fact, I've spent many fruitless hours scouring thrift stores in search of a classic CM sweatshirt. No dice. But the wait is finally over... As of this month, CM is reintroducing their iconic sweatshirt, along with hoodies and tshirts, in select Canadian stores. If you don't live in Toronto, Vancouver, or Burnaby I'm afraid you're shhh out of luck, but at least there's always eBay, right? And with a Vancouver shopping trip already planned in two weeks time, I'll give you five guesses as to what I'll be on the look out for...

Click here for more info!
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