Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Little Line I Love: MK2K

There are the boldface, been-around-for-years fashion names that even my dad knows and, on the other end of the spectrum, the little, lesser-known lines from as-yet-unrecognized designers. Lately, I’ve become a big fan of the latter. While these highly edited collections may not have flagship stores that offer everything from sweat-socks to cell phone charms, they are chock full of the kind of artfully designed, trend-proof pieces I love.

MK2K is my current favorite of this small-in-size, big-on-style genre. Quietly building a following since its launch in 2006, MK2K offers the kind of pieces I wish my whole closet was filled with: layering-friendly knits in interesting shapes and feminine-but-not-too-girly tops and dresses, unusual neutrals and coolly unexpected trims and metallic accents. Not in the know about MK2K yet? Check out their fall line here.
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