Monday, July 28, 2008

First Fashion: Our Favorites from What's New

Online shopping at work? At some offices it’s a big no-no, but here I get to pass it off as ‘research.’ Brilliant! (I know. I kind of hate myself, too.) My first order of business this morning? Making my fall selections from one of my favorite lines of all time, Mike & Chris.
Every season I have a love-at-first sight moment with a certain Mike & Chris jacket, and every season it sells out within minutes of appearing on the site, and I’m left heartbroken. But it seems I’ve finally learned my lesson: I saw this little lovely and snapped it up, stat. Mike & Chris Chandler Leather Jacket
So much more pulled-together and fashion-forward than your standard-issue hoodie. I’d even wear this for evening. Mike & Chris Anson Zip Up Hoodie
Downtown-cool styling in elegant silk? Yes, please! Mike & Chris Remmington Dress
Shopping at work? It makes Monday markedly easier to manage. Find your fashion bliss, right here, in What’s New.
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