Wednesday, July 30, 2008

5 Questions for the Designers Behind Alkemie

With Alkemie Jewelry, husband-and-wife design team Ashley Lowengrub and Dara Gerson have perfected the art of "transforming something common into something precious." Environmentally responsible and stylishly eclectic, Alkemie is forged from 100% reclaimed metals and combines nature-inspired figures with inventive details. One-of-a-kind designs and expert craftsmanship make Alkemie Jewelry more art than accessory.

What is the philosophy behind your line?
The philosophy behind our line encompasses four main principles. First, a socially conscious and ethical foundation; it’s environmentally sound and fashion forward; and finally, it’s at an affordable price point. We feel that you do not have to sacrifice style to be socially and environmentally responsible.

What inspires your designs?
Our designs are inspired by the beauty of nature, timeless vintage pieces, our two daughters, each other, and love.

Does your current collection have a theme? What is the inspiration behind it?
The theme of our current collection is The Maiden Voyage. The collection is inspired by organic themes of the Art Nouveau movement and nature.

What is your best accessorizing advice?
Our best accessorizing advice is to layer and interchange different pieces in different looks, which gives individuality and interest.

Do you follow Coco Chanel’s rule: “take one piece off before you leave the house”?
In all due respect to Coco Chanel, we feel that there are no rules. The key is visual balance where you are comfortable. Hopefully one knows the difference between too much and just enough.
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