Monday, June 9, 2008

Under my Umbrella (ella ella)

When it rains, it pours, and lately that’s all I’ve seen. (4 inches in 24 hours?!) All this rain means puddles, mud, and unfortunate drips of water down the back of my neck. I have realized in the past 48 hours that an umbrella and boots will be accompanying me to every engagement on my calendar until the sky is blue and the ground doesn’t make that squelching noise when I walk on it. Hopefully I’ll be back in my cute sandals soon, but until then I’ve got plenty to keep me happy until the deluge is over. Umbrellas from Marc by Marc Jacobs will keep my neck dry and colorful Wellingtons from Hunter Boots will let me splash around in puddles like a 3-year-old – but without the requisite bath afterwards. I can’t decide if I like the metallic wellies or the bright orange ones, but figuring that out will give me something to do while I wait for my power to come back on.
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