Monday, May 12, 2008

Style It :: McQ Tuxedo Short

With the promise of summer’s heat on the horizon, it’s time to find some city-chic shorts because as much as I love my jeans, they just don’t cut it when the mercury’s pushing 90. I love the McQ Tuxedo Short, but the red waistband makes finding a fab top to match a little tough. Enter my old standby Bop Basics tank in white. Together, they create a clean palette that invites dramatic accessories.

Let’s start with the bag because, if you’re like me, you have a slight obsession with all things handbag related. It’s got to be on-trend, roomy, and downright showstopping. The Foley + Corinna Metallic City Clutch is all three. For my feet, I’m returning to the white palette and donning Eileen Shields’ Elliptical Sandal with its avant-garde design and sexy height. And then comes the jewelry. I love delicate gold necklaces, but I want to make a statement. I’ll layer on two Gorajana Savanna Wrap necklaces and relish in the best of both worlds, and then I'll add a set (or two) of their Studded Bangles for a sweet jangle at the wrist.

It’s a clean, classic look, which is what I like best. How would you style it?
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