Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First Fashion: The Best of What's New

Dressed up or dressed down, these three are in the running towards becoming my Next Top Signature Piece.
Black and white is always welcome in my wardrobe, and the distinctive contrast of patent and suede in Marc by Marc’s Open Toe Dotted Pump screams, “Look at me I’m different!” In an elegant way, of course.
The very opposite of black and white, this rainbow psychedelic print dress from Tibi is like a magical ray of sunshine that peeps out from the brown, grey and black recesses of my drab closet.
Gara Danielle’s bangles are so simple they’re brilliant. The square addition to the set adds a subversive slant to an otherwise conventionally accessorized wrist.
But everyone has their own favorite. Find yours at shopbop.
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