Sunday, August 30, 2009

Men Fashion: Follow Your Own Style Revisit

I realized that more and more men today are focus on fashion and style, knowing looking good is an asset in every aspect of their lives: Business, personal or, social.

The fact is, a well groomed man is as important as his personality. In fact, most of you should agreed with me that first impression always count.

How to get a stylish look your comfortable with

Some men feel confident enough to do this for themselves, for those who are less confident an image consultant can be employed, to give help and advice. Alternatively, cheaper way is to learn from the web.

Men Fashion & Style

In today's world, to stay one step ahead, it's important to look your best. That means developing your own sense of style and this does not simply mean following fashions and trends for the sake of it.

There is a big difference between being stylish and just following the latest men's fashion trends for the sake of them.

A man fashion victim is someone who wants follow all the latest men's fashion trends regardless of whether they suit their body shape looks or, age and is someone who can't put his look together.

Looking your best does require a certain amount of effort, but ultimately, your clothes have to fit right, and suit your style, image and personality.

As I mentioned before, it's not about the clothes you wear -- it's about how you wear them.

There are enough styles out there, so I am sure you are comfortable finding your own style.

Be yourself

I always belief Wear what you think looks good, not what you believe is trendy.

You should always feel comfortable with what you're wearing, so stick to items that suit your personality and style, while keeping the occasion and setting in mind.

The key with men's fashion is always to match it to your personality, age and personal features.

Keep a good balance of basic and fashionable clothes in your wardrobe.

As a rule of thumb, not more than half of your wardrobe should not consist of trendy clothes, or worse, clothes that are out of style.

Finally, brand is always trendy and style, but it sometimes doesn't mean it will look good on you. So don't follow blindly.

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Friday, August 28, 2009


Despite it happens frequently that older (and lesser known) art is used as an inspiration in advertising without any reference or quoting, there are also many a modern photographer who are paying their respects to art history.

So did for example the british digital artist Rebecca Parker with her photo Medea:

It’s a well arranged quotation of the famous artwork from 1898 by the Czech Art Nouveau painter Alphonse Maria Mucha (1860 –1939).

There you find more examples about Medea in art.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Christopher Kane pour Topshop

On l'attendait avec impatience, cette nouvelle collection capsule signée du jeune créateur Christopher Kane pour Topshop. La vente n'est pas encore mise en ligne... mais déjà quelques looks très prometteurs, qui laisse à penser que le jour de sa mise en ligne, il va falloir avoir le clic très rapide !!!

Cette collection incluant une quarantaine de pièces, se révèle fraîche et féminine, avec une touche " Kane " bien présente.
Les prix oscilleront entre 50 Euros et 280 Euros.

Notons que Sir Kane avait déjà participé à cette aventure pour Topshop , dès sa sortie de la Saint Martins School et que d'ailleurs c'était à cette occasion qu'il s'était fait connaître du grand public.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Item#: A045 (with pendant)
Colour: Black/Purple/Red/Lightblue/Navy/Watermelon
Measurement: 46(top)/32(bottom)*28(H) cm
Price: S$32

Item#: A034
Measurement: 42cm*28cm*15cm
Colour: Black
Price: S$38

Item #: A010
Colour: Red
Item #: A011
Colour: Pink

Item#: A016
Colour: Brown

Item #: A017
Colour: Purple

Item #: A018
Colour: Turquoise Blue

Item #: A019
Colour: Black

Item #: A020
Colour: Gray
46cm(top)/32cm(bottom) * 28cm * 20cm
Price: S$38 S$25

Friday, August 21, 2009

Topshop Autumn Winter Lookbook

I am so glad I am following Topshop on Facebook (yes I agree it is a bit sad though) otherwise I would not have found these amazing photos from Topshop's A/W lookbook. The bright colours and all that sparkle will be perfect for Christmas parties!
Every year I search for the perfect winter coat, something that is not too bulky (and makes me look huge!) but that still keeps me warm and I think I have found it! Just check out the photo below, the trench style and the military gold buttons of this coat are gorgeous...

Beth xx

Beer Surfer

Few days ago a friend showed me this nice clip on Youtube about the Guinness Surfers.

A wonderful clip without any doubt by I wished that the English painter Walter Crane (1845-1915) would have been mentioned.

Walter Crane: Neptune's Horses (1892)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Colour: CandyPink(interior pink)
Material: Metal+PU Leather
Price: S$23 (In-Stock)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Robert Geller pour Levi's

La célèbre marque de denim Levi's a confié au créateur allemand Robert Geller, la mission de réinterpertrer à sa guise, onze modèles de leurs grands classiques.

Pour se faire, le créateur, déjà bien connu pour ses collaborations avec Marc Jacob, a eu accès aux archives de la marque. Résultat, une collection capsule séduisante, mixant élégance et "american way of life".

Les prix resteront élevés pour ces précieux "collectors": allant de 95 dollars pour un tee-shirt jusqu'à 575 dollars pour une parka . Autre petit bémol, les collections ne seront vendues que dans les points de vente Bloomingdale ainsi que dans 7 magasins Levi’s exclusivement américains.

Enfin, ma petite pause "culturelle"...pourquoi "denim"? allez, je suis certaine que tout le monde a la réponse...
Car Levi Strauss faisait fabriquer ses jeans, avec du denim, un coton fabriqué à Nîmes (d'où le nom denim = de Nîmes) dans le sud de la France par la famille André, imprégné de bains d'indigo (ce qui rendrait les jeans plus confortables).
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