Thursday, April 30, 2009


This picture by the Italian photographer Marco Glaviano of Michelle Hunziker doesn't quote one special painting but uses the topic of the mermaid, which was very popular in 19th century romantic painting. Not only this the whole photo resembles a painting.

To compare: "The waternymph" by the british painter Herbert James Draper (1860-1920)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sweet Hello Kitty Shower Cap

Item#: HK901(In-Stock)

Item#: HK902 (In-Stock)

Item#: HK903 (In-Stock)

Item#: HK904 (In-Stock)

Measurement: Standard Size
Price: S$2.5

Fashion Must-Haves of This Season. Fashion Spring-Summer 2009.

Here come nine most fashionable things of the Summer 2009. Fashionable clothes, shoes and accessories that you MUST have in your wardrobe this summer.

1. Heel-strap sandal booties.
This Fall and Winter we get used to booties. And now in summer neither fashion-conscious people nor designers want to part with them. As a result we have very open booties or very closed sandals. You can wear them on bare feet or with pantyhose. Sandal booties look very sexy and beautiful. Anyway this must-have is a real hit of the catwalks. Look for them in Yves Saint Laurent, Kenzo, Maison Martin Margiela, Paul Smith, Chanel and Alexander McQueen's collections.

Models Chanel and Bottega Veneta

2. Overalls.
This summer overalls will compete with our favorite dresses, all the more so fashion designers prepared for us many variants of the overalls. You can put on black classical overall going to your office, light coloured overall is good for party, short cotton overall is for beach. Interesting models of overalls you can find in Moschino Cheap & Chic, D&G, Missoni and Fendi's collections.

Matthew Williamson, Fendi and D&G's models

3. Stylish separate swimsuit.
Such swimsuits make silhouettes visually more graceful and this makes them very popular! But there is one disadvantage about them - sunburn will be quite fanciful. But designers of such trends as Agent Provocateur, La Perla, Topshop and Marc by Marc Jacobs are absolutely comfortable with that!

Models Melissa Odabash and Topshop

4. Sunglasses Ray-Ban Wayfarer.
Sunglasses Ray-Ban Wayfarer are "HELLO" from 80's. In 80's they were extremely popular in Hollywood. Let's remember "The Blues Brothers" with Daniel Aykroyd and John Belushi or "Rain Man" with Tom Cruise. Today the Ray-Ban sunglasses are favourite accessory of Hollywood celebrities such as Nicole Richie, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Mischa Barton and others.

5. Military style of jackets.
This thing became must-have in spring Fashion Week in Paris. According to streetstyle photos it is the most popular attire there. Duh! This thing underlines a figure very nicely!
3.1 Phillip Lim, Balmain, Topshop

6. Antique style dresses.
In new season ancient Greek goddess is a beauty standard for many designers and modelers. Asymmetric light dresses with complicated drapery are very popular. Versace, Valentino, Elie Saab and Lanvin offer us such chic attires.

Lanvin, Elie Saab, Versace

7. Torn jeans.
This season the condition of the jeans is much more important than its shape. This summer jeans style of 90's is very popular. Small and big holes, long and short. Many holes or just few of them - as you wish. Besides you can make this fashionable thing by yourself! Or you can find it in Balmain, Acne or House of Holland collections.

8. Bright shawls.
Here comes hippie and ethnic style! It keeps make us glad. This accessory will make any boring classical suit positive and summery. It can be tied up as a turban on your head.

Dior, Paul Smith, Missoni.

9. Wide bangles.
Wide bangles are extremely fashionable three summers running. However this season we can see wooden bangles not only plastic ones. Besides, this summer you can wear two or even three wide bangles on one wrist. It is very fashionable!

Plastic bangles Fendi, wooden bangles Bottega Veneta

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

BIBA is back pour Top Shop...

Barbara Hulanicki, créatrice de la fameuse enseigne BIBA...quatre petites lettres évoquant tout l'univers mythique de la mode anglaise des années 60-70.

Adulée par toutes les stars de l'époque ( Twiggy, Julie Christie, Brigitte Bardot, Marianne Faithfull Anita Pallenberg etc...) mais aussi par toutes les fashionistas, Barbara Hulanicki a su dans son antre mystérieux et magique , faire triompher une mode très rock glamour aux accents psychédéliques bien londoniens .

La voici de retour pour l'enseigne Top Shop, toujours friande d'associations stylistiques inattendues.

Agée de 73 ans, la reine londonienne, nous livre ici, une collection fraîche et légè jolies pièces...mais qui peut être ...manque d'un soupçon de petit grain de folie ...

Eyebrow Shaping Tool

※Use it to beautify your facial keep your eyebrows
trimmed perfectly and symmetrical※

Item #: Eyebrow Shaping Tool
Colour: Blue
Price: S$3.9 (In-Stock)
❤Lovely Slim Slipper❤

Item#: Slim Slipper
Size: Free Size
Colour: Pink
Price: S$12.9 (In-Stock)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Savvy Traveler: How to Get through the Airport in Style

Savvy Traveler: How to Get through the Airport in Style

When it comes to traveling, the one thing that most people dread most is going through the various airport security and counter check-ins. But it doesn’t have to be such a pain. So long as you prepare in advance and stick to plain manners and fashion you should hopefully be able to get through with no problems at all. We’re going to provide a few helpful hints that you can use to make your next trip go smoothly.

First off, you want to make sure to be adequately prepared and organized. This sounds like a pretty obvious hint, but it is surprisingly how much a sloppy packing job can cause problems when going through security. If you pack neatly and leave larger items (such as laptops) in an easily accessible area, it can save a lot of aggravation for both yourself and the TSA screeners.

Since many airlines are charging for check-in luggage, it’s always tempting to travel with just carry-on luggage, such as backpacks and briefcases, as this saves both time and money. But just make sure to know what you can and cannot place in carry-on luggage. Sporting goods and tools need to be checked in, as do knives, scissors, and other sharp utensils. Most significantly, make sure that all liquid and gel containers are less than 4 ounces. This can cause problems with a lot of toiletries, and I’ve certainly the past have had to be held up for carrying on a full-sized shampoo bottle or water bottle, which can be quite the hassle for yourself, the TSA employee, as well as the people waiting behind you! Fortunately most pharmacies offer toiletries in airline-approved sizes, as to airport shops (although they’ll charge you an arm and a leg).

Believe it or not what you wear can also make a difference when it comes to airport travelling. In this case, the key is to dress smart, but simple. The fact of the matter is, you are more likely to be randomly screened if you are wearing flashy clothing or clothing that someone might deem offensive, and the same can be true if you look like a slob. Dressing simply and neatly will solve this problem and will also enable you to travel more comfortably as well.

Along with the limitations on liquid and gel containers, the other big post-9/11 security change is that all passengers are required to take their shoes off when going though checkout. So it’s best to opt for flip-flops, slippers, boat shoes, loafers, or any type of footwear that is easy to remove and put back on. You certainly don’t want to be that guy holding up the screening line because you are wearing boots or other footwear that’s hard to take off! Similarly, make sure not to wear excessive jewelry or earrings, as these will have to be taken off for screening as well.

Above all, the important thing is to remain calm at all times; this is the true hallmark of a savvy traveler. Sometimes you might find yourself stuck with unforeseen delays and complications, even if you arrive early and have everything organized. Maintaining your cool, having a polite veneer, and following the golden rule will make travelling less stressful, for both yourself and your fellow travelers.

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Knight and Lempicka

Photographers are not only secretly stealing ideas from older paintings. Many of them haven't any problems to show where they got some of their inspirations. Sometimes they especially honour a painting or an artist.

The British photographer Nick Knight did this with his photo Andromeda.

With this he is showing his respect to the Art Déco painter Tamara de Lempicka (1898 – 1980) quoting her painting Andromeda from 1929.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rafle sur le raphia...

La mode aime la nature. Paille, raphia, chanvre...des matières estivales au doux parfum champêtre...

Sous les doigts de fée des créateurs, ces fibres perdent tout côté rustique et laissent place à des effets modesques très en vogue.

Façon Burberry, la paille en vannerie nous enchante, les chapeaux de pluie, les sacs aux tons de sable, le tout façonné dans un esprit très jardin anglais, du bucolique très bohème...

Anna Sui, joue le mélange des matières, la paille se pare de jolies broderies colorées, l'effet est exquis !

Gucci met en scène un borsalino sobre pimenté par des rubans de couleurs.

Marc Jacobs nous livre des canotiers très "paillés"

Bottega Veneta, toujours très couture , nous offre des sacs aux volumes extra large, joliment tressés

Ni luxe, ni ostentatoire, ces matières jouent la simplicité, mais une simplicité très stylée.

Emilio Pucci Valentino Anya Hindmarch Miu -Miu

Paul&Joe, Jimmy Choo, Louboutin

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