Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Man Fashion: Car Shoe

Founded by creative artisan Gianni Mostile in 1963, Car Shoe embodied Mostile’s two passions – race cars and hand-made shoes that sparked the invention of a moccasin with a sole set on tiny rubber nubs.

The ‘car shoe’ earned Mostile not only a patent from the Italian Ministry of Industry Trade; it also garnered Mostile a large group of sophisticated connoisseurs that included Giovanni Agnelli, Roberto Rossellini, and Lapo Elkann among others.

Prada acquired control of Car Shoe in 2001, opening flagship stores in Milan and introduced the line into over 200 major boutiques internationally. Spring-summer 2004 saw the launch of its first bag collections.
Car Shoe @ Milan

The layout foresees the classical Car Shoe frame that outlines a single image, emphasizing the classical driving shoe, which is styled in different shades of crocodile leather, constant element of an informal and refined lifestyle.

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