Sunday, August 31, 2008

Effets de Manches

Ces dernières années nous assistons chez les hommes à une véritable frénésie pour les accessoires. Sacs, lunettes solaires, chaussures et j'en passe sont devenus pour les hommes un véritable tremplin pour être au top de la mode.Ce petit détail en plus qui leur permet d'accessoiriser leur tenue et de leur donner une frivolité et une originalité jusque là réservées uniquement à la gente féminine.
Les sacs, voir même les "it-bags" sont devenus pour eux sans doute le plus précieux des accessoires,quasiment tous les créateurs de mode masculine en ont fait un accessoire phare. Mais est-ce pour autant qu'il faille négliger le plus petit des accessoires vestimentaire de nos chers mâles, autrement dit le bouton de manchette.
Apparu au XVII siècle, il est venu remplacer les rubans ou les dentelles qui fermaient les poignets. Mais c'est surtout au XIX siècle que les boutons de manchettes deviennent usuels. Quelques cent plus tard et sous l'influence de quelques hommes comme le dandy Georges Brummel, son port est démocratisé, même si son usage reste cantonné aux tenues de cérémonies et autres habits du soir.
Dans les années 70, les chemises aux boutons incorporés remplacent le bouton de manchette. Heureusement, quelques irréductibles se battent pour continuer de porter des boutons de manchette. Les grands noms de la haute couture, fidèles aux traditions, perpétuent l'existence de ce bijou.
Il faudra attendre les années 90 pour voir de nouveaux créateurs remettre au goût du jour les chemises à poignet mousquetaire et des créateurs tels que Paul Smith et Gucci réinventent le bouton de manchette avec plus de fantaisie.
Allez cessons le blabla, et passons à ma petite sélection, soyons fantaisiste mais avec un design, un motif élégant, l'originalité prime sans toute fois tomber dans un ridicule de mauvais goût.

Sans doute, le plus connu, pour ses modèles so british
Paul Smith

Autre style, pour ces boutons de manchettes en argent massif de Marc Deloche, Architecte Toulousain, un clin d'oeil animalier pour un effet très "stylé". Je reviendrai prochainement sur ce créateur, dont les collections sont de véritables petits bijoux.

Plus classique,
Louis vuitton,

Fleuri pour Costume National

Man Fashion: Pink Color for Men?

Came across a very good article on pink fashion for men. I just can't resist to reproduce this article in this blog to share with the rest of you.

There is something very much alluring about the pinks. This could be because, psychologically pink color is known for having a calmer effect. This could be also because pink compliments almost all skin tones, unless you have more of pink tone in your skin. A man wearing something is pink exudes complete confidence, although still sensitive. It could also be a simple fact that pink is quite easy to coordinate with most of the colors present in your wardrobe. Pinks go well with tans, navys, greys, and some other hues of blue. If you are not yet convinced with how great pink looks, women too love pink and are likely to take a second glace of yours. If you haven’t got ant pinks as yet then you might consider trying one. You can incorporate this, pink, magical color to your wardrobe in various styles.

Pink color is associated with tranquility and romance. There is a recent trend found, men wearing tie and shirts in pink. You must have heard “real men wear pink”. Men wearing pinks scream of being confident and bold. If you are all set to commit to pink dress shirt, pink sweaters, suits, t-shirts and ties would be a way to subtly infuse pink color to the wardrobe. Men wearing pink are making a style statement. Pink is sure to add glam to your appearance.

Pink sweaters
You must have seen many celebrities on screen wearing pink sweaters. A pink crew-neck cashmere sweater teaming with a pair of dark colored trousers would simply look great. Pink sweaters would allow you to look sexy. It proves that something as simple and classic as a pink sweater can easily be the show stopper.

Dress shirts

One of the easiest ways of incorporating pink to you wardrobe is getting pink dress shirts. These could be easily worn under the sweaters, with suits, jeans or trousers. You can find many men wearing pink dress shirts. You are sure to get compliments from your colleagues if you are wearing it at workplace. This pink dress shirt would breathe in a complete new life and would allow you to look unique. It is definitely a winning look.

Pink suits and trousers
Summer and spring seasons are perfect for wearing pink trousers and suits. You might be having quite a hard time visualizing this. However, suit and trousers means the seersuckers or the light cotton ones. Pink suits and trousers make perfect wear while going for a party of a wedding too.

Men’s t-shirts in pink look great. Pink stripes would be a great way to go with. Pink t-shirts look trendy, yet elegant. You can also opt for pink stripes if you are not completely confident of wearing plain pink tee.

Pink accessories
You cannot commit more of a substantial garment in pink, but can start off with small. You could go with some superb pink ties, hats and scarves. They are sure to add charm to your look.
Many men are seeking out to infuse pink to their wardrobe and make a fashion statement.


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Friday, August 29, 2008

Little Black Skirt

Last week while going through the leftover sale merchandises of a store, I found this black skirt and to my surprise, they actually had it in my size. I've been on the look for a black skirt for awhile and since I don't think the skin tight black skirts which are pretty popular these days are particularly flattering, this seemed to be close enough to what I was looking for.

The grey block made me hesistate at first, but my sister persuaded me to buy it (-she thought I was being too picky.) The skirt looks sort of flat and crinkly in the photo (my bad) but when you put it on, it actually sort of puffs up like a ball. Yes I realise this sort of bubble skirts aren't all too trendy anymore but it's cute and on sale.

OK, so how to wear it? I wanted to make sure I didn't wear it with a white dress shirt or anything that would look like officewear. The key is to keep everything casual. But since I've never actually owned black skrits (or anything mid-wa before, I looked for inspiration online.

I love this Luella top! (Please imagine the black shorts on the model as a skirt.) It's casual and cute; it's trendy without being messy.
Plaid/ checked shirts are oh-so-trendy(-and-hipsterish) this summer. You can hardly go into a highstreet store without spotting one of these shirts and they seem to be a popular complement of the black skirt these days (-see images above, from H&M and Urban Ooutfitters.) While plaid tops always look cool in fashion candid and paparazzi pictures, they just don't seem to look great in real life. I don't know if I've just seen the cheap-looking ones or what, but I really can't imagine myself actually looking cool in one of these plaid shirts.
I adore this combination of a tank top with the volume skirt. It's simple and allows one to look effortlessly trendy. Plus, like in the shopbop image, it will leave you free to accessorise. A printed t-shirt looks like a pretty good match too! (See image on the right.)
I can't wait to try out the skirt! Have you guys been wearing a little black skirt this summer too?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Du gris à l'infini...

Ni blanc ni noir, cet hiver encore le gris joue sur de subtiles variations. Du gris foncé, au gris de perle et d'acier, les créateurs l'ont décliné à l'infini, sachant au mieux doser sa palette chromatique.
Est ce pour autant que nous allons toutes être gagnées par la morosité...Que nenni, oublions nos références occidentales pour ce ton et inspirons nous des valeurs de l'hindouisme selon lesquelles le gris est considéré comme sacré . Alors chères modeuses, ne faites donc pas "grise mine" et appréciont comme il se doit cette intensité lumineuse.
Gris acier, anthracite, ardoise, argent, argenté, bis, blanc-bleu, cendré, cendreux, étain, gris fer, fer, bleu fumée, grège, grisaille, grisâtre, grisé, gris de Payne, gris perle, pinchard, plomb, souris, taupe, tourterelle, tous les gris sont permis....

Chantre de ces nuances pour sa collection d'hiver, Céline nous offre du gris pour des silhouettes chics et romantiques.

Même philosophie pour Ungaro, où le gris règne en masse, avec de subtiles nuances.

Laissons de côté , son aspect austère, le gris peut aussi se jouer sexy

Le gris façon bohème

Le gris couture

Le gris so "chic"

Le gris drappé

Le gris "lainé"

Le Gris Tailleur

Man Fashion: Car Shoe

Founded by creative artisan Gianni Mostile in 1963, Car Shoe embodied Mostile’s two passions – race cars and hand-made shoes that sparked the invention of a moccasin with a sole set on tiny rubber nubs.

The ‘car shoe’ earned Mostile not only a patent from the Italian Ministry of Industry Trade; it also garnered Mostile a large group of sophisticated connoisseurs that included Giovanni Agnelli, Roberto Rossellini, and Lapo Elkann among others.

Prada acquired control of Car Shoe in 2001, opening flagship stores in Milan and introduced the line into over 200 major boutiques internationally. Spring-summer 2004 saw the launch of its first bag collections.
Car Shoe @ Milan

The layout foresees the classical Car Shoe frame that outlines a single image, emphasizing the classical driving shoe, which is styled in different shades of crocodile leather, constant element of an informal and refined lifestyle.

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Man Fashion: Sir Sean Connery

If you are old enough, you should know who is Sir Sean Connery, or at least watched his movies before. If not, maybe I can share some his background story with you here. Sean was born into a working class family in August of 1930, at sixteen, he enlisted in the Royal Navy. His glorious moment was he took on the movies on Secret Agent 007 in six of Ian Fleming's Bond movies over a decade: Dr. No (1962), Goldfinger (1964), From Russia, With Love (1964), Thunderball (1965), and You Only Live Twice (1967), and Diamonds are Forever (1971).

In 1989, at almost 60 years of age he was voted People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive." When advised of the award, Sean seemed to be unaffected as he replied, "Well there aren't many sexy dead men, are there."

So this Scottish acting legend has celebrated his 78th birthday by launching his memoirs at a sell-out event in Edinburgh. Launched Being A Scot in front of a 300-strong crowd, which included First Minister Alex Salmond, at the Edinburgh International Book Festival.

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Tara Reid is now a Fashion Designer

Tara Reid

The world has been lacking in style and sophistication lately, and Tara Reid unleashed her new line of apparel earlier this week. The former actress is pouring her prodigious talents into a new fashion line, Mantra, which she debuted in Las Vegas yesterday (August 25) in her bid to become the latest celebrity with a hit fashion line.

And Miss Reid definitely dressed to impress, sporting a turquoise blue mid-thigh length dress with a plunging backline and a pair of strappy heels with a Louis Vuitton handbag.

Mantra features t-shirts, dresses, bikinis, ponchos, and hoodies decorated with beads and charms. The pricing ranges from $65 and $180 depending on the item.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Original Penguin

The other weekend, my friends and I had a sudden craving for some good quality burgers and shakes, so we thought- Johnny Rockets! But when we got there having anticipated it for hours, we couldn't find it! Where did Johnny Rockets go? After much wandering around, we finally realized that it has been replaced with a Penguin store.
Personally I didn't realize they had enough merchandise to warrant a whole store. I'd always associated Penguin with men's polo and preppy menswear in general. I didn't know they had womens wear!
So it appears that they do. And the style very much reminds me of the likes of Ted Baker, which is ironic since this brand stems from Minneapolis.
Looking at the window display (instead of indulging in burgers and shakes), I rather liked the shirt dress (above left) they showed. Admittedly it isn't a dress that immediately takes the breath away, but I like to think that there is a subtle charm to it- it also played right into my sudden recent obsession with shirt dresses. I also like this blue shirt dress (right), because while the cutting and design is really simple, the mixture of small polka dot prints with the thin floral print (or I think it's floral) belt is just adorable. My friend just gave me a 20% off coupon for Penguin.. maybe I'll go check this dress out. I hope they fit better than Ted Baker (Ted has the prettiest clothes, but with the worst fit!).
They also have these pretty standard looking dresses. I reckon the plain red dress would be an awesome dress to wear if you loved to accessorize- think headband, think crazy necklace!
These are not bad either. I think I even have something very similar. But you see what I mean about being very Ted Baker? Browsing through their website, I cannot help but feel like I've seen and have been excited about everything before already.... I'd like Johnny Rockets back please!

Image Source: The Original Penguin

T-Shirt Dresses

I saved the image of this yellow t-shirt dress by See by Chloe (from the Cruise collection) when it was still online a few months ago. It's bright, casual and looked like such a fun, easy-to-wear dress for the summer. I never managed to see it in real life but it got me looking out for tee shirt dresses.
I love the design of this Mr. Abbott dress. I don't quite love the pinkness of this dress, but it's such a cute design!
The design of this Marc by Marc Jacobs dress looks cute from the front but the hole at the back makes it not very practical for casual, everyday wear.
Urban Outfitters has these simple, short-sleeved dresses. They're even nice enough for a nice dinner or night out.
The other shirt dress I found on is this plaid shirt dress. The bubble shape at the bottom makes the dress feels less indie and more girly, which makes the dress easier to pull of because let's face it, not everyone can pull of plaid!
The black dress on Lily Donaldson looks like another versatile, day-to-night dress. I'll be looking out for this one on my next trip to H&M.
Another dress I'll be looking out for is this See by Chloe jersey dress. I really like the print on the top and I'm hoping to find it in this dress version, (although I'll be looking out for the t-shirt version too.)
During my search for t-shirt dresses I've noticed that it's much harder this summer than last summer to find them. It probably means that t-shirt dresses aren't 'in' anymore but they're just so cute and easy to wear! Plus, putting on shirt dresses is arguably even more brainless than a denim and t-shirt combo!
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