Wednesday, June 30, 2010

in neutral


cutest thing i've seen in a while. as you all know i love simple looks ♥

sheer black

mihara yasuhiro

dressed to perfection...

How adorable is this dress on little Miss Valentine? Seriously...

Images courtesy of Valentine

Wednesday giveaway!

Today's giveaway is from Ruche, a fabulous California boutique with vintage-inspired pieces. They're offering one lucky winner a $100 gift certificate to perk up her summer wardrobe.

(Ruche has super reasonable prices, so $100 would get a bunch of cute things -- for example, you could get two tops and a skirt, or a dress and sandals.)

For a chance to win, please visit Ruche's shop and leave a comment below. A winner will be chosen at random tomorrow. Good luck!

Update: Kelly from Maine is our lucky winner. xo



easy breezy...this is perfection.


Source- We Heart It

I have created a list of things I want to achieve this summer and as I cross them off my list I am going to blog about them along the way. Keep reading to see my:


(you're loving the dramatic large title right?)

1. Cook a 3 course meal. (I have chosen this one because I never really cook anything apart from the occasional dish of pasta and my Dad even insists that that is just "heating stuff up, not proper cooking." So I am going to stretch my non existent cooking ability, pour over the Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, Delia Smith and Gordon Ramsey hard backs that are in my humble kitchen and cook a meal for my family. Wish me luck. This will be the hardest. I ain't no Julie or Julia (you should really see this film is you haven't already by the way, just for the hilarity of Meryl Streep who acts Julia Child as a constantly drunken French woman)

2. Learn one of my Grade 6 piano pieces. (I need to get going if my exam is in December)

3. Watch loads of inspiring film sand write a review for every single one I see.(SUGGESTIONS PLEASE?)

4. Read loads of inspiring books and write a review for every one I read (DITTO?)

5. Take loads of photographs with my trusty Canon 1000D and get myself back onto Flickr.

6. Go to London and get my summer wardrobe sorted. (So this one isn't exactly Nobel prize winning or even technically challenging but I have been working hard, I need a break, OKAY?)

7. Have a proper conversation with a French person when I go to France (NOTE TO SELF: THIS EXCLUDES SIMPLY SAYING "BONJOUR" OR "J'VOUDRAIS....." A PROPER CONVERSATION)

8. Get an article I have written published in a newspaper/magazine. (I always wanted to be a writer when I was older and now I am liking the sound of going into journalism so this would be an amazing first step to getting my name published in the Guardian- the ultimate dream)

9. Write a short story. Or a short film. Or a poem. Or an article. Just write something good really.

10. Get a job. (This probably is one of the most important things on the list although maybe not the funnest. My dream job would be to work behind the scenes on Glee- anyone make this happen, pretty please?)

11. Read a Shakespeare play. (I am thinking about being a proper nerd and reading all the books that are on the reading list for AS Level English Literature and Language early. Romeo and Juliet is one of them. I'm so going to get on this.)

12. Get my National Life Guard Award. (I told you that I was doing this a while back, can't wait to do it and then teach people how to swim.)

13. Get my exam results back. (And hopefully do well.)

I don't want to leave this list at 13, seeing as it's an unlucky number and all that but I can't think of anymore to add for now so I will just leave it at that.

So follow my blog if you want- I pinky promise it's really easy and I'll love you forever and ever- and join me as I try and accomplish all of them and cross them off the list.

Oh and if any of you have suggestions for challenges then feel free to tweet me here, or write it as a comment.

Wish me luck on my challenges!
Muchos love,
Beth Ruby xoxo

Guestbook Alternative: Jenga, Anyone?

I love seeing cool and different alternatives to the traditional wedding guestbook, and I think this idea would be so fun for a couple that loves games....a Jenga guestbook.  You stack the pieces, let guests take a piece out, write a message on it, and then replace it.  When you play the game throughout your married lives, you have a special reminder of your day.

Photos by Jennifer Roper

Guest Post: Bocce Ball

Recently, I came across two bocce ball sets, and they're the prettiest I've seen. The $2800 Chanel one, of course, is for serious players and would take your bocce ball to a whole other level. Which outdoor games do you enjoy playing?

Restoration Hardware Bocce Ball Set; Chanel Bocce Ball Set

-- By Rachel from Black Eiffel

Li Xiaofeng pour Lacoste

Je suis toujours fan de ces collaborations artistiques. Deux mondes de la création se réunissent pour faire naître des pures merveilles.

Cette fois-ci, c'est la marque Lacoste qui a mandaté un artiste chinois Li Xiaofeng pour créer deux polos Collector .

Un Premier Polo un peu fou, tout de porcelaine paré, de la période Ming (1368 -1644 ) a demandé plus de trois mois de travail. Une pièce précieuse et unique, actuellement exposée au Musée des Arts et Métiers. L'artiste chinois n'ayant pas omis de peindre le célèbre petit crocodile...

Le second, édité en 20 000 exemplaires a été confectionné à partir de photos des magnifiques porcelaines de la période chinoise Kangxi (1662/1772). Bébés et Lotus de couleurs blanche et bleu composent l'essentiel de l'imprimé.

Cet artiste chinois avait déjà créé quelques jolies pièces...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

photo of the day...

Image courtesy of Stardust and Sequins

outfit envy...

Images courtesy of Face Hunter

Guest Post: Mini things for mini people...

...that i'd totally wear in grown-up sizes...

{left to right, top to bottom: roxy little girls romper, smallable striped tee, j.crew girls dress, giga & zaza shoes, j.crew boy's tie, and trumpette metallic mocs}

-- By Joy from Oh Joy and Oh Joy Eats

Alisa - Le Marais - Paris

Image hébergée par : votre hébergeur d images simple et gratuit

"I am a student in Fashion Management.
For me Fashion is not very important.
Today, my look is minimalist Rock.
I love plenty of things. I hate snobism.

Image hébergée par : votre hébergeur d images simple et gratuit

I wear a Top by COS
Pants by JEROME R
Bag by YSL
Sunnies by GIVENCHY
Perfume by MARGIELA

Taking a break

I'm a bit under the weather and over extended, so I'm going to take a much needed day off today.  Thanks for your understanding!  Check out the blogs listed under my 'Daily Inspiration' section to the right for some eye candy for the day.

Marcela - Place Vendôme - Paris

Image hébergée par : votre hébergeur d images simple et gratuit

I work as Stage Designer in Paris Opera
"For me Fashion reflects the mood of the day
My look is a working day look
If I had 1000€ I would buy a RICK OWENS Jacket
and MC QUEEN Shoes ...
I love smile. I don't like not kind people...
My message to the world:
Try to be the one you would like to meet".

Sunnies by RAY BAN
Perfume= "Angel" by T.MUGLER

Clémence - Place Vendôme - Paris

Image hébergée par : votre hébergeur d images simple et gratuit

"I am just graduated of a Fashion School.
For me Fashion is a way of Life. My look
is Rock-Chic. I love to be always on the
movement. I hate to be bored. My message
to the world: Stay cool. Be Fashion !"

I wear a jacket by LEVI'S
Leather shorts by ABERCROMBIE FITCH
Perfume "Flower Bomb" by VIKTOR&ROLF

Guest Post: Magical Bubble Photos

When I came across these photos by Romain Laurent, I let out an audible *gasp." I wonder how he was able to capture such a magical moment? What are your thoughts?

-- By Rachel from Black Eiffel

Tatiana - Place Vendôme - Paris

Image hébergée par : votre hébergeur d images simple et gratuit

"I am a Fashion student at Studio Berçot
For me Fashion is game. My look is sober.
I love to laugh and to have fun.I hate people
that don't give you a break. If I had 1 000€
to spend in Fashion Stuff, I would buy the last
Alexander Wang Bag with cloves. My message
to the world: Live your life to the max !"

Image hébergée par : votre hébergeur d images simple et gratuit

I wear vintage Skirt top-shirt and jacket.
Shoes by Zara
Headband selfmade
Bag by AA
Perfume "Alien" by T.MUGLER

Black Fashion Models 2009

The current issue of Italian Vogue looks at how the fashion industry has moved past the rail thin negative size models to the lack of black models in the industry.

In a move that is causing the industry to take a deep look at itself the July issue of Italian Vogue features only black models shot by fashion photographer Steven Meisel. Mr. Meisel is also the photographer behind Madonna’s infamous 1992 book, “Sex”.

black fashion models
black fashion models
black fashion models
black fashion models
black fashion models

Fashion Models 2009

Tao Okamoto. Tao Okamoto, Japanese (1987), mysterious, elegant. She had long hair, now it is short. Very professional, very perfectionist.

models interested in being featured, interviewed or photographed can inquire via e-mail: models (at) - of course replace (at) with @

Fashion Models
Fashion Models
Fashion Models
Fashion Models
Fashion Models

Monday, June 28, 2010

summer uniform / j brand giveaway

J Brand shorts /Obesity + Speed tee / thrifted bra /Dolce Vita wedges

this is my casual summer uniform! nothing better for these hot days right now in NYC.
the shorts are super cute + super comfortable.
the sheer tee helps me stay cool + love that i can show off this cute leopard bra!
the wedges. know i love wedges, haha
they remind me of these givenchy ones i posted awhile back.
there is a reason why they so are hard to hunt down.

anyway, i adore these J Brand shorts so much + thought you guys would too! so...
REVOLVE and i are hosting a J Brand giveaway!! these shorts can be yours too!

in order to win the J Brand shorts, you need to:

- become a facebook fan of REVOLVE: click HERE
- become a facebook fan of J Brand: click HERE
- leave me a comment with your email + with a link of your favorite J Brand item on REVOLVE.
- click HERE to pick your favorite J Brand item to link.

the giveaway ends July 12th. GOOD LUCK!


giveaway ended July 12th...winner will be announced soon!!

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