Saturday, October 31, 2009

Elena Burenina at Ukrainian Fashion Week

Completamente estructural, así fue la colección que esta diseñadora presentó en la semana de la moda de Ucrania. Con líneas rectas, exceso en los volúmenes, y un aire futurista evidente, Burenina, logró darle una transformación completa a las tendencias ya establecidas por otros artistas. Con una prenda hecha con ganchos para ropa, logró cautivar por el tremendo nivel de innovación en la calidad del trabajo. Sin duda, un agasajo.

Coco Cocoon by Chanel

En verdad pido un aplauso para la nueva publicidad de Chanel que da a conocer la nueva obra maestra: la nueva bolsa Coco Cocoon. Lily Allen, la nueva imagen de la marca, con un aire a la Holly Golightly, le brinda a este nuevo accesorio un aire de frescura y glamour, conservando siempre el aire tan elegante que ha caracterizado por tanto tiempo a la firma.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ungaro goes Tecnicolor

Estella Archs, directora creativa de la marca, dio vida a la pasarela con la presentación de sus diseños, que sin duda, brillaron por la variedad en los colores, la brillantez de los mismos, la conjugación de estampados con líneas simples y una fluidez evidente en los telas, la cual solamente marcaba la femineidad y comodidad que se quería expresar. El rosa y naranja, colores característicos de sus trabajos, se encargaron de marcar un estilo sencillo y glamouroso a la vez.
Para esta primavera 2010, el one shoulder en vestidos ultra femeninos, telas superpuestas, y los múltiples estampados cobran vida para convertirse en un must. Así mismo los high heels hacen las veces de wow factor para complementar, de una manera exquisita, cualquier look.

Issey Miyake Girl - Paris FW

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Legs - Paris Fashion Week

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« Les jambes des femmes sont des compas qui arpentent le globe terrestre en tout sens,
lui donnant son équilibre et son harmonie. »
"Women legs are like pairs of compasses wich are pacing up & down the globe
in every directions, keeping earth its balance and harmony"

François Truffaut in "L'Homme qui aimait les femmes"

Dree Hemingway - Paris FW

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Dree Hemingway est l'arrière-petite fille de Ernest Hemingway. Et alors .. So What ?
Et bien en dehors de cela, elle à l'air bien cool comme fille. C'est ça qui compte non ?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Dimples girl - Rivoli - Paris FW

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Faces of Paris Fahion Week - Chanel

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Man Fashion: Spring Summer 2010 Collection

London Fashion Week finished on an extreme high with a day dedicated to menswear, diversity was the word on each fashionistas lips as Spring/Summer 2010 was translated into the male language.

James Long’s collection was inspired my quality street wrappers and depicted both function and protection. Trousers greatly resembling his inspiration strutted down the catwalk teamed with rather sexy gilt edged camouflage; leather and select pieces of knitwear bought the collection together and showed which seasons it was created for. While the collection didn’t scream wear ability it did show Long’s talent when it came to creating unique menswear, it wouldn’t suit the average male or situation but then again when was Fashion practical.

Christopher Shannon took what should always be wrong and made it fashionably right as he sent his models down the catwalk with dodgy tan lines, ‘fanny packs’ and the cardinal sin of socks with sandals.

Unlike other designers Shannon’s collection was based on wear ability, he struck a balance between street style and high fashion; he isn’t interested on being the name on everybody’s lips, he creates clothing for the ever growing niche market that has patented his distinctive designs. Overbearing yet chic prints and his love of luxe sportswear have clearly paved his way into the fashion elite. In his own words his inspiration for his S/S 10 line “Donk, clashing sportswear and bootleg prints”

Contributed by: Charlotte Johnson

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Miss Pandora - Paris Fashion Week

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Two friends - Opéra - Paris FW

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Jean-Paul Paula & his giant ring - Paris FW

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Céline - Rue Bonaparte - Paris

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I study to be an architect.
I wear a coat by MARJANE PEJOVSKI.
Cardigan by SWAGGER.
Boots by AIGLE.
Hat 1€ from a "all for nothing" shop.
Bag vintage.
Perfume: "White Musc" by BODY SHOP.
Fashion is a way of creation.
My look is black and rainy.
I love sincerity.
I don't like hypocrisy.
My message to the world: Leave me alone !

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Janelle Monae featured in Vogue

Janelle Monae will be featured in Vogue's November issue. The eccentric songstress will be showing off George Esquivel's unique shoes. Here is the blurb from the article:

"It's hard not to get ideas when I'm meeting with Gwen [as in Stefani] and the Killers," says George Esquivel. "My work evolves by designing for people." Since 1994, the Southern Californian has been crafting custom shoes, and even with an ever-expanding client list, the majority of his footwear is made to order by hand in his Buena Park studio.

Though they're fashioned out of the same Italian leather used by Louis Vuitton, his boots and oxfords are unique in their colors and burnishes, which Esquivel still does himself. "It's a punk attitude," says the designer, whose wares were first noticed by his fellow music scenesters in the nineties. "I'm not a guy who grew up on the East Coast wearing suits." So not proper, but for Esquivel wearers, just perfect.

Janelle Monae featured in Vogue

Janelle Monae will be featured in Vogue's November issue. The eccentric songstress will be showing off George Esquivel's unique shoes. Here is the blurb from the article:

"It's hard not to get ideas when I'm meeting with Gwen [as in Stefani] and the Killers," says George Esquivel. "My work evolves by designing for people." Since 1994, the Southern Californian has been crafting custom shoes, and even with an ever-expanding client list, the majority of his footwear is made to order by hand in his Buena Park studio.

Though they're fashioned out of the same Italian leather used by Louis Vuitton, his boots and oxfords are unique in their colors and burnishes, which Esquivel still does himself. "It's a punk attitude," says the designer, whose wares were first noticed by his fellow music scenesters in the nineties. "I'm not a guy who grew up on the East Coast wearing suits." So not proper, but for Esquivel wearers, just perfect.

I fly like paper, get high like planes

(Photo called "Autumn in Paris" from Garance Doré who I have a major girl crush on. She has to be my favourite French blogger, closely followed by Le Blog De Betty and The Cherry Blossom Girl of course)

Cannot wait for France tomorrow with my BFFL, I am now all packed and ready to go!
Lately I have been très stressed about exams/friends/school so it is very nice to have the chance to get away from it all.
Also Emma has an amazing Canon so hopefully I will be able to nick some good photos to share with you when I get back.
Au revoir mes amis etc etc hope you are having a fantastic week :)
ps) I always seem to get 'Paper Planes' by MIA stuck in my head before I go on holiday...

Out of focus - Le Louvre - Paris FW

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Out of Focus, but beautiful ... quand même.

After the show - Paris Fashion Week

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Lanvin's accesory attack

Una de las más gratas sorpresas para esta primavera 2010 fueron los statement necklaces que presentó esta marca. Alber Elbaz, director creativo de la marca, no tuvo reparo en rebasar los límites de la imaginación y la creatividad, para dar forma a estos accesorios que evocan el arte, la estética y la arquitectura en su diseño. Pedrería, colores, cadenas doradas maximizadas y el juego en su trabajo, fueron sin duda los elementos que motivaron el asombro de todos los presentes y cómo no si simplemente son lo mejor.

Josh Goot

Un estacionamiento al aire libre fue el escenario perfecto para que este diseñador australiano presentara sus últimos trabajos. Con juegos en la simetría, patrones, colores y la variedad en su trabajo, logró conquistar en la última edición del London Fashion Week. Sin duda para esta primavera 2010 esperamos una fuerte carga de imaginación, diversión y originalidad en los trabajos de los mejores artistas de la moda.

Pure American

On the occasion of the presidential elections in 2008 Harper's Bazaar published this photo of John McCain and his wife Cindy by the photographer John Huba.

The McCains are posing as pure Americans like the couple on the famous painting "American Gothic" (1930) by Grant Wood.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lovely Handmade pouch
Item#: K156
Measurement: 20cm*12cm
Details: two compartments
Colour: LightPink/LightBlue
Price: S$6.9

Amazing Bags!

Simplemente me enamoré. Las bolsas que presentó Louis Vuitton para esta primavera-verano 2010 están más que increíbles. Conservando la ya legendaria firma, Marc Jacobs, director creativo de la marca, hace un trabajo excepcional añadiendo un toque de color y diversión en cada uno de los diseños.

Live my life on a lullaby...

So excited for An Education, the plot and of course the 60's costumes look amazing.
I need to get the book off Amazon first though before I see the film because I always have to read it before I see it.
Beth xx
ps) Oh and I love this article in The Guardian on Marge Simpson appearing on the cover of Playboy Magazine. Yes you heard correctly my dear friend. Marge Simpson in Playboy. What would Lisa think?
If you haven't already read it then check it out.

La sorpresa: Mary Katrantzou

Para esta nueva temporada, los diseñadores más reconocidos del ámbito de la moda, sentaron las bases de la nueva tendencia que sin duda cautivará. Un ejemplo claro fue el de la diseñadora griega Mary katrantzou, quien logró imponer la imaginación y el arte en todo su trabajo.
Combinación de colores arriesgados, vestidos asimétricos, accesorios y high heels vistieron de gala esta pasarela. Sin duda un trabajo por demás excelente.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Little Pony

Despite what The Cut said: "Nylon thinks women want to look like My Little Pony. Alas, they are mistaken!" I have to say I love this photo shoot!
I would love to have nostalgic pastel coloured hair extensions. Maybe just for Halloween but still, they look pretty amazing.

Des oreilles très stylées...

Qui aurait pu imaginer, que nous oserions un jour arborer sur nos jolies têtes , des petites oreilles de Bunny ? Marc Jacobs...lui a osé... lors du défilé Louis Vuitton hiver 2009/2010 et voilà que la tendance s'est largement imposée.

C'est ludique, parfois même un peu trop fun...Quoiqu'il en soit, il va bien falloir composer avec ce style très années 80. La presse féminine nous en offre une large variété de mises en scène, histoire de ne pas passer pour la playmate du mois ou encore une folle dingue sortie de Disney World.

Côté défilé Louis Vuitton

Et puis en pratique cela donne quoi?
Des logos...

De la couleur...

Et puis des oreilles plus ou moins longues...

Autre variation sur le même thème, inspiration "Mickey" et créées par la Maison Michel, de délicates petites oreilles en dentelle...pour une une allure irrésistible...

Pour les moins audacieuses...on peut jouer plus soft avec de jolis noeuds noués ...

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