Friday, October 31, 2008

Item#: Y033
Colour Available: Black
Size: 36cm*25cm
Price: S$ 39.9 (In-stock)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Man Fashion: Tom Ford With Moore and Firth

Tom Ford is finally going public with his movie plans.

As I told you earlier in my blog, the fashion prince will make his directorial debut with a movie adaptation of Christopher Isherwood’s 1964 novel, A Single Man.

Colin Firth will star as a gay college professor who is dealing with the death of his longtime lover. Julianne Moore costars as a lifelong friend of the professor’s.

While early talk was Jamie Bell would play one of his students, it turns that role has gone to Matthew Goode.

The story takes place in 1962 in Los Angeles. Filming will begin in L.A. on Nov. 3.

Ford spoke publicly about wanting to get behind the camera when he left Gucci in 2004. He acquired movie right's to A Single Man about a year ago.

He also started his own men's fashion line last year with stores in New York, Las Vegas, Dubai, Los Angles and Moscow, among many others.


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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Make-Up 2008

I promise this is the LAST Halloween post I'm going to do this year. In case any of you still have not thought of what you want to be , I thought I'd give you one last idea- just go with the crazy make-up. People would be so busy admiring your eyes that they won't have time to care about the rest of your outfit!
Besides Galliano, my two other favourite crazy make-up looks are from Dior (left) and the Lacroix haute couture (right) show. Both redefines the upper and lower part of the eyes making their eyes look HUGE. They are in essence however, the opposite of each other. While Dior uses a sharp white base, Lacroix uses a smokey black base. Either way, I'm loving both of them. Go for the Dior look if you want to look feline and the Lacroix look for something a bit darker. A bit more subtly, we have the smokey eyes of the Chanel haute couture (left) and the Balenciaga (right) show. Just go heavy with the eye liner and the smudging. If you do have a costume, these would be more subtle looks for you. You don't want to take away too much from the outfit now do you?

And as for some simple DIY ideas: You can be forks/knives/spoon with alumninium, a piece of steak and ketchup/mustard to go with that. You can be Tetris pieces. Pacman and the ghost. Or a Twister board- just wear white and stick colored dots on yourself and carry the spinning thing!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Image Source:

Man Fashion: Casual Business Clothing

Presentation is everything when it comes to business clothing, As everyone should know the first impression is almost important. Hence, right business clothing, be traditional, casual classic, or smart casual can actually help a person's level of confident and chance of being successful too. Therefore, working business men are always in search for ways to differentiate themselves from their peers, and what better way to do it than to look different?

Unless you are in the fashion industry, dressing too faddishly will have your bosses wondering if you are more concerned with your wardrobe than your job. So instead of formal business attire, most of the men moved to Casual Business Clothing.

Three Level of Business Clothing

The new business casual look evolved as Silicon Valley opened up the world to young entrepreneurs and a more relaxed way of doing business. Casual business clothing comes to three basic levels: classic, smart and relaxed.


Traditional business and Classic casual business clothing is elegant. These two level of business dress call for an elegant, clean finish to your look.

Traditional business wear consists of a suit, shirt and tie. It is the most formal of business attire. The suit is made of well constructed suiting. The suit jacket should always be buttoned up, except when sitting perhaps.

Casual business classic is a small step down from traditional. It works best when you want to create an overall impression of professionalism, authority, dependability. The jacket is the key in casual business classic fashion. But bear in mind that it should not match your trousers, as that will dress it up to the traditional level.

This casual business classic clothing style is most suitable if your business is based in outdoor lifestyles and products.

Casual Business Smart Style

Casual business smart works best when you want to create an overall impression of accessibility, friendliness, competence, creativity.

So for this look, you only need a neat trousers and a shirt. If you happen to have a jacket with you, remember to loosen the jacket to create the dress down effect.

Casual Business Relaxed Style

Casual business relaxed look are most welcome on end of the week, ie. Friday. The key item is denim. This is the most relaxed form of dressing and should only be worn when you are definitely not expecting to meet any clients. However, Casual Business Relaxed Clothing are also well received by technology group of people working in Silicon Valley.

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Equal adversaries.
As we know opposites are attracted to each other.
Black clothes perfectly get on with bright ones this season, laconic clothes get on with superfluous, tight-fitting get on with puffed clothes. The modernes designers and modellers are assured that all these shapes andstyles have the right to a life this fall-winter 2008-2009.

Gaudy colours: Dresses: Emilio Pucci, Shoes: Céline
Black colours: Dress: Jil Sander, Coco Chanel

Halloween- The Galliano Way

On the topic of Halloween, we must not forget our favourite showman of all, John Galliano. When it comes to putting on a great statement, there is no one quite like him. Going through his FW08 runway, I've pegged the drama down to two elements: crazy hatwear/hair and crazy make-up.
So maybe there is no rationale behind most of these, but hey, it's time to be creative!
This could be the dead sea captain perhaps?
The show girl. And check out the amazing, vibrant make-up! Talk about drama. Not sure about the lump on her head (looks a bit like a tumor), but am loving the gold spikes!

Image Source:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

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Man Fashion: Men Finery Code

When refer to Men Finery Code, one that you should focus on is the whole dressing attire rather than small portion of the whole, which include clothing, accessories and others that could affect your appearance.

So let breakdown a day into 2 major time frame, daytime and evening, and how you should dressing in style.


Formal Day Dress/Morning Coat
It is most commonly worn to weddings, and occasionally seen at the other important functions. This dress code consists of striped pants with braces, a cutaway grey or black jacket or other darker color if you like, a white shirt (normally) a grey silk cravat (optional of course), black shoes and a waistcoat in grey. beige or black.

Keep it Light and Simple
Wear lighter colors during the day to look your best. Save black for evenings. Keep your outfit simple is another key to daytime glamour.

Jeans can be appropriate as long as clean and fit well
Just to make sure it suitable for the ocassions you are going to.

Lose the tie, not your credibility
A crisp shirt left open at the neck with in a fabulous pair of cufflinks will dress any outfit up. Make sure it is a good quality fabric that will not have you looking as if you slept in it after an hour or two.


White Tie Formal
This is the most formal of all styles of dressing. You can choose between a white or black jacket, but you will definitely wear a white bow tie or white dinner shirt.

Black Tie Formal
Traditionally, black tie events require a bow tie and white dinner shirt. Some non-traditionalists will wear a black cravat or a naru collared shirt with a collar button.

Cocktail/After 5/Lounge Suit
In all of these style you will always look perfectly presented in a smart suit and tie. You can always check with the organizers, sometimes ties could be optional too.

Wing it
Never wear your wingtip shoes or brogues with your wingtip shirts. Your shoes should be plain black leather for evening functions.

Lastly, it is advisable to keep the pockets of dinner suit sewn up, this is to ensure the shape of the pocket is in shape, and to resist the temptation of hanging your hands in there and stretching the line of the jacket.

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New site update

Hi fashion lovers,

The problems people were experiencing with visiting the new site are now (hopefully!) resolved. Thanks for your patience! Please visit again and give it another chance, and let me know if you are still having issues (particularly people using Internet Explorer). If you're a regular subscriber, you will need to update your subscription using the link on the top right of the new homepage.

Cheers :)
Frugal Fashionista

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween on the Streets 2008

Runway inspiration is all good and well, but besides the Prada lace-y vamp look, the rest are not exactly easily achievable. So I did a more generic brainstorm and came up with this:

Has anyone seen that movie recently, "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People"? In it, Kirstin Dunst goes to a costume party and dresses up as a 20s flapper girl (though I think she had a specific flapper girl in mind since the theme was "Favourite Dead People"), looking awesome in a black bob, long cigarette, red lipsticks and slinky black dress.
That was when it clicked! I want to be a flapper girl this Halloween! It won't even be that hard. All I need to get is a black bob wig, a long cigarette holder and a black slinky dress and then put on pale foundation, smokey eyes and hot red lipsticks- viola, flapper girl!
I even know exactly which dress I'd buy too. This FCUK fringe dress is perfect. I can even wear it again for a night out (even though it is not exactly my usual style...)! But still, I love the idea that I won't be wasting too much money on a cheap looking costume I'd only get to wear once. I actually went into a real costume store my first time today and I must say, I was not impressed. The costume outfits for women typically look cheap and skanky. And I'm not about to fork out $50USD to look cheap and skanky.

I also looked at the fangs. I thought, worse case scenario, I can just dress in all black, wear pale foundation and red lipsticks and with the fangs, I can be a vampire. A nice easy Halloween costume. But then I looked at the packaging and got slightly weirded out. "Molding" plastic stuff into my mouth and in between my teeth- that is NOT prescribed by my orthodontist- just goes against my natural instincts. What if it screws up all the good work my orth spent many years achieving? I thought fangs were just stuck on... I guess not.

So in the end, I walked out with a black bob wig and a reaper rake. The bob because I've always wanted one and it'll go with the flapper look (though this one is not exactly my ideal one cause it has random silver streaks in it...but whatever) and grim reaper's rake, just because it's fun to wave around a reaper rake at people. I know, completely random. I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do with them....but I guess I'll figure it out in the next three days!

Image Source: Flapper Costumes
and ASOS

Halloween on the Runway 2008

It's that time of the year again where we get to dress up in whatever crazy outfit we desire. And what better place than the runway to look for fun, creative, refreshing and fashionable ideas?
On the Marc by Marc Jacobs runway (left) there is punk rock, with retro pink plaids and pleated minis. This would be an especially fun outfit if you are usually not punker chic. And if you are, then maybe the cyber look for the Balenciaga runway (right) would be interesting. After all, Halloween is our chance to try out different looks and have fun!
Another look I am loving is the royal military look found on the MacQueen (left) and the Lacroix haute couture runway (right). The structured uniform jackets and all the details are just so pretty!
Even more regally, there is the royalty look also found on the MacQueen runway. There is just something so regal and colonial about it. I'm not sure how one would achieve this look for Halloween, but an idea is a start right?
And lastly, there is the classic vamp look. There is the elaborate version from the Lacroix haute couture show (left), or for something simpler and easier, the black lace version from the Prada runway (right). In fact, with all the "lace" around, you can very easily achieve this look. All you need are fangs!

Image Source:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Frugal Fashionista has moved!

Frugal Fashionista has moved (and improved)! Please update your bookmarks and visit us at our new site,, where you'll find the same great celebrity looks along with a few new features. We hope you'll like what you see!

Man Designer Fashion Accessories Essentials

When we talk about Man Designer Fashion Accessories, items that come to my mind are fashion designer tie, fashion designer sunglasses, fashion designer watch, handkerchief, designer shoes, fashion designer wallets, sandals, cellphone, mp3 etc. There are plenty of brands from Man Fashion Designers out there. You can find some designer fashion accessories are expensive and some are affordable. More importantly, what are the most essentials a man should look out for when come to designer fashion accessories.

Designer Fashion Essential 1 - Never Substitute Quantity for Quality
Buying in bulk can leave you looking as if you have a lots of cheap pieces at your wardrobe. But when come to man designer fashion, it is the quality that count. Hence, choose your designer fashion accessories wisely, they are your assets in your future.

Designer Fashion Essential 2 - Organize Your Wardrobe
Trousers, suits at one side, and fashion accessories at the other side etc. It will make finding the correct combination so much easier.

Designer Fashion Essential 3 - Always Feel Confident in What You Wear
As I always said, if you leave your house with second thoughts on what are you wearing on that day, it is most probably you got the wrong combination.

Designer Fashion Essential 4 - Do the "Blink" Test
Stand in fornt of a full length mirror, Look at yourself quickly and see what image you have given to yourself. Do all of these fashion accessories work together with your clothes? Likewise, always test this out when you decide to buy something at the outlets. I always think women are more smarter than men when come to this.

Designer Fashion Essential 5 - Ensure Your Fashion Designer Accessories are appropriate to the occasion
Most of the time we do mess the accessories and the locations or occasion up. So if possible, check with the organizers before you attend any functions or party.

Designer Fashion Essential 6 - Don't leave home without a Handkerchief
I am sure most of the younger don't has this habit. As everyone is now more and more aware and concern about environment around us. It is always a good practice to carry handkerchief rather than paper tissues, you play your part and the rest will take care of it.

Lastly, you can always add more colours and designs to all your accessories, so you will not out of fashion and colour to match, be it formal or casual wear.

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Item#: PB001
Available Colour: Black
Size: 30cm*11cm*6cm
Price: S$ 45.9

Item#: PB002
Available Colour: Black/White
Size: 29cm*12cm
Price: S$ 48.9

Item#: PB003
Available Colour: Black/Pink/White/Gold
Size: 25cm*12cm
Price: S$ 36.9

Item#: PB004
Available Colour: Black/White/Red
Size: 28cm*9.5cm
Price: S$ 39.9

Item#: PB005
Available Colour: Black/Beige/GoldBrown/White/Blue
Size: 27cm*13cm
Price: S$ 36.9

Item#: PB007
Available Colour: Black/White
Size: 28cm*10.5cm
Price: S$ 45.9

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